Tag: Medicare Billing

2024 Medicare physician fee schedule

Medicare CY 2024 Proposed Rule: Impact, Reimbursement Changes, and Key Insights

On July 13, Medicare released its Proposed Rule, which outlined changes to different Medicare programmes including as quality programmes, MIPS, rural employment, telemedicine, and others. This comprehensive yearly document of 2,033 pages covers the planned programme adjustments for fiscal year 2024. Between the release of the Draft Rule and the publishing of the Final Rule […]
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Future of Medicare Telehealth

Future of Medicare Telehealth is Bright and Innovative

Aside from fraud and abuse associated with telehealth, the future of this technology is astonishingly bright and innovative. Responding to COVID-19, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) changed the rules to allow Medicare billing for some telehealth services. It recognized the “urgency of this situation and that “some pre-existing Medicare payment rules” could […]
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New COVID-19 ICD-10-CM and PCS Codes Coming in 2022

The package includes three ICD-10-CM and seven procedure codes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have both stated that in April 2022, we will have three new ICD-10-CM codes and seven new procedure codes for COVID-19 therapeutics and vaccines. You may recall that in […]
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Medicare/Medicaid Contracts: When the Contract Can Benefit the Provider

Depending on the clauses, contracts can be your worst enemy or your savior. Today I pose a very important question to you. Do your participation contracts that you sign with Medicare/Medicaid, managed care organizations (MCOs), and Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) – do they even matter? Are these boilerplate contracts worth the ink and the paper […]
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CMS Announces New Payment Allocation for COVID-19 Patient Counseling

CMS will leverage existing evaluation and management (E&M) payment codes to reimburse eligible providers for the coronavirus counseling services.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will make payment available to physicians and providers for counseling patients at the time of COVID-19 testing about the importance of self-isolation after they are tested and prior to the […]
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