Tag: Telehealth Billing

Telehealth billing guide

Telehealth Billing: What You Need to Know for Success

Telehealth billing, the process of submitting claims for telehealth services, is an essential component of this virtual care model. Efficient and accurate telehealth billing ensures that providers are reimbursed for their services and that patients are not overbilled. The healthcare landscape has undeniably shifted towards a more virtual model. Telehealth, the utilization of telecommunications technology […]
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Decode & Deploy: Latest Strategies in Medical Billing

It’s time to embrace the ever-evolving landscape of medical billing with Decode & Deploy! In this issue, we’ll explore cutting-edge methods for streamlining billing processes and optimizing revenue cycles including medical billing strategies. Billing in the Medical Industry: An Evolving Landscape Technology advancements, regulatory changes, and a growing focus on value-based care are driving the […]
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Telehealth coding

Master Telehealth Coding: A Guide to Reimbursement and Avoiding Denials

Navigating the complexities of telehealth coding is crucial for ensuring that services are properly reimbursed. This guide provides essential information and tips for coding telehealth services accurately, helping physicians avoid denials and recoupments. 1. Telephone Services: Use Cases: Suitable for straightforward problems like simple rashes, asymptomatic coughs, and medication refills. Requires a minimum of five […]
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Medical coding Audits

Medical Coding Audits: Trends and Guide for Providers

The landscape of medical coding audits is constantly evolving.  Staying informed about these trends and implementing best practices can significantly reduce stress and ensure a smooth audit experience. The Shifting Landscape of Medical Coding Audits Traditionally, medical coding audits felt like a lottery. Providers faced the uncertainty of random reviews, often scrambling to address issues […]
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Medical coding practices

Telemedicine Trends and Their Impact on Medical Coding Practices

Medical coding practices’ evolve as the healthcare landscape rapidly transforms with telemedicine leading the way and the proliferation of virtual consultations. In addition to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by these changes, it is also important to remember that optimizing medical coding procedures and ensuring appropriate reimbursements are also unique challenges presented by these […]
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Billing Codes

Telehealth vs In-Person Visits: How Often Virtual Service Billed at Lower Code

According to research, telehealth visits, both in primary and specialty care, tend to be coded more frequently with lower level-of-service billing codes. Despite the option to receive higher facility rates for telehealth services for another year, providers often bill these virtual visits using lower level-of-service codes. This pattern holds true for both primary and specialty […]
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Top Trends That Impacts Medical Billing Space in 2023

Challenges in the Medical Billing Space Medical coding and medical billing are two distinct yet interrelated tasks in the healthcare industry. Coding is the process of assigning standardized codes to diagnoses and procedures, while billing is the process of submitting claims to insurance companies for reimbursement. One of the biggest challenges in the medical billing […]
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How to Evaluate and Improve Telehealth in Private Practice?

With the 2022 omnibus bill, Congress ensured that telehealth payment and regulatory flexibilities will continue for at least another two years. That makes it worthwhile for physician private practices to more closely consider how to best incorporate telemedicine into their everyday workflows and ensure that patients get the best virtual care experience possible. The AMA […]
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