Tag: Medical Coding Updates

Retina Injection coding

Master Retina Injection Coding for Smooth Billing & Reimbursement

Accurate coding is essential for retina practices performing intravitreal injections, especially when handling retina injection coding. While medication and modifier updates occur frequently, understanding these basics ensures proper reimbursement: CPT® Code Consistency: CPT® code 67028 remains constant for administering the medication. HCPCS Level II Code Tracking: Codes for injected drugs (HCPCS Level II) vary and […]
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Tips for medical coders

Boost Your Efficiency: Time-Saving Tips for Medical Coders

In the fast-paced world of medical coding, efficiency is key. With ever-changing regulations, increasing workloads, and tight deadlines, maximizing your coding speed and accuracy becomes crucial. This newsletter explores a range of practical Medical Coders tips and strategies to help you conquer your coding tasks and free up valuable time. Master the Art of Organization: […]
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chronic migraine with aura

2024 ICD-10-CM Update Enhances Chronic Migraine with Aura Coding

The good news for coders is that the 2024 ICD-10-CM update allows for more specific coding of chronic migraine with aura, improving accuracy and potentially helping patients access treatment. Diagnosing Migraine: A Complex Puzzle While the International Headache Society defines chronic migraine, pinpointing the exact type can be challenging. Migraines come in various forms, and […]
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2024 ICD-10-CM Coding Updates for Mental Health

The ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, and Clinical Modification) is a vital tool for accurately documenting and coding diagnoses in healthcare settings. As the field of mental health coding continues to evolve, it’s essential for clinicians and coders alike to stay updated on the latest guidelines and revisions. The 2024 update to the […]
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April 2024 HCPCS Level II Code

April 2024 HCPCS Level II Code Update

The official April 2024 update to the HCPCS Level II code set is now available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website.  April update includes: 62 new codes 2 changes to scope and long description 21 obsolete codes 11 changes to long description 1 change to changes miscellaneous changes Below are some  code […]
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ICD-10 2024: A Deep Dive into the Most Significant Changes

Greetings and welcome to the latest edition of our healthcare coding newsletter! In order for us to remain abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of medical documentation, we must stay up-to-date with updates to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) from time to time. In this article, we will take a closer look at […]
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New Billing Codes-for Prior Authorization Work Proposed by AMA

New Billing Codes for Prior Authorization Work Proposed by AMA

New billing codes: Medical experts might consider creating new billing codes for the time doctors and their support staff spends working on prior authorizations. The American Medical Association (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Editorial Board meets May 9-11 in Chicago. On the meeting’s agenda are three potential new CPT codes “for reporting services (physician, QHP, […]
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Differences: Preventive vs. Office Visits in Medical Coding & Billing

Preventive Services Vs Office Visits: It is important to note that Medicare does not cover preventive services in the same manner as commercial payers. Therefore, it is important to know the patient’s policy and insurance coverage. Table A shows a breakdown of the coverage parameters. Understanding the distinction between Preventive Services Vs Office Visits is […]
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Navigating E&M Code Changes

It is expected that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will release a completely revamped version of the evaluation and management (E&M) codes by 2021, particularly for the office visit codes (999201-99205 and 99211-99215). In addition to the changes to the office visit codes, there were significant changes to the 2023 guidelines. These […]
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