Tag: medical insurance


Advantages and Disadvantages of Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare beneficiaries are increasingly drawn to Medicare Advantage plans due to the perception of cost savings and added benefits compared to Original Medicare. The pivotal choice when navigating annual Medicare decisions revolves around opting for Original Medicare or embracing a Medicare Advantage plan (also referred to as Medicare Part C) provided by private health insurers. […]
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Why Medicare’s trustees say the physician pay system is unsustainable

Medicare’s trustees have issued a report (PDF) that reckons with the consequences that patients could face as a result of the physician payment system’s long-term unsustainability. Your Powerful Ally The AMA helps physicians build a better future for medicine, advocating in the courts and on the Hill to remove obstacles to patient care and confront […]
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Non-Coverage Denials: Cause and Cure

Explanation of Medicare Benefits (EOB) error message 96 Non-covered charge was the No. 1 reason for claims denials in December in all of Medicare Jurisdiction H, according to the region’s Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). “Prior to performing or billing a service, ensure that the service is covered under Medicare,” Novitas Solutions says on their website. This should be […]
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