Tag: medical-billing

CPT Modifier

Six Tips to Getting Paid for CPT Modifiers

In medical coding, CPT modifier are vital for accurate reimbursement of healthcare services. These special codes, attached to primary procedure codes, provide additional details about the complexity or extent of a service. However, using modifiers incorrectly can lead to claim denials and lost revenue. This blog post shares six key tips to help you get […]
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8 Chiropractic Billing Tips to Boost Revenue

Chiropractic billing tips: Running a successful chiropractic center involves more than just delivering exceptional patient care. A critical yet often overlooked aspect is ensuring a smooth and efficient billing process. With a constant flow of patients, managing insurance complexities and ever-changing regulations can quickly become overwhelming. 8 key chiropractic billing tips to keep your Revenue […]
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Authorization Denials

Stop Authorization Denials in Tracks

Getting bogged down by authorization denials? You’re not alone. Here, we explore common roadblocks and effective strategies to keep your revenue flowing smoothly. Challenge: Drowning in Last-Minute Authorizations Solution: Divide and Conquer with a Multi-Team Approach Separate teams can tackle present and future authorizations. The “Today” team verifies benefits and identifies authorization needs for upcoming […]
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Significance of Medical Coding Strategies

Medical coding strategies contribute various benefits, counting cost reduction and control, systematic healthcare management, and increased scalability. Compliance with medical coding qualities also promises patients’ data privacy and security and alleviates the threats of audits. In the current healthcare landscape, keeping up financial solidity has become progressively hard due to the shift from fee-for-service to […]
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E/M Payment Policy Changes Impact Physician Reimbursement

Following E/M payment policy changes, the reimbursement gap between primary care and specialty physicians decreased by just $825, falling from $40,259.80 to $39,434.70. Evaluation and management (E/M) payment policy changes implemented in 2021 resulted in higher Medicare reimbursement for most physicians but only led to a modest decrease in the payment gap between primary care […]
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5 Benefits Of Outsourcing Medical Billing (1)

5 Benefits Of Outsourcing Medical Billing services

Outsourcing Medical billing services: Hospital and medical professionals acknowledge that the biggest issue they have are receiving payment for their services. Those in the medical field understand all too well the issue of delayed revenue and dormant collections. Though technology has improved the in-office process, the inadequate handling of the hugely important Medical billing process […]
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Practical Tips For Reducing Claims Denials

Medical claims denials are on the rise and continue to be a costly problem for health systems. Unfortunately, the vast majority of providers focus their resources on reactive responses, working to appeal denials and recover payments after denials have already occurred. In a Becker’s Healthcare podcast an expert, discussed the problem of rising denials, why […]
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