Understanding ABNs for Providers and Medicare Beneficiaries


The Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN), Form CMS-R-131, issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), holds immense importance for healthcare providers, revenue cycle teams, and Medicare beneficiaries.

What is an ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice)?

An ABN, formally extended to Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) beneficiaries, precedes outpatient services like labs, imaging, physical therapy, or observation. Notably, it applies to select Part A benefits such as hospice, home health, and religious non-medical health care institutions (RNHCIs). ABNs, however, don’t encompass Medicare Advantage, Managed Medicaid, commercial, or Part D plans, which often utilize analogous forms within the prior authorization process, known as Integrated Denial Notices (IDNs).

Their primary usage occurs before or during services not covered by Medicare due to exceeding frequency coverage guidelines or lacking medical necessity. This notice alerts patients to potential payment responsibilities if Medicare denies coverage for a specific service or item. It outlines services consistently outside Medicare coverage determinations and estimates costs if Medicare declines coverage. The ABN facilitates patient acknowledgment of this information, allowing them to consider the financial impact and make informed decisions about services potentially not deemed medically necessary or approved by Medicare.

There exist two ABN types: mandatory and voluntary. Mandatory ABNs are issued when providers suspect Medicare may not cover a service or item, permitting patients to decide whether to proceed and accept financial liability if Medicare denies coverage. Voluntary ABNs come into play when Medicare doesn’t cover specific services, like cosmetic procedures, ensuring patients understand Medicare coverage guidelines and associated costs upfront.

What Makes ABNs(Advance Beneficiary Notice) Significant?

ABNs promote transparency between healthcare providers and Medicare beneficiaries by illuminating potential costs, enabling informed decision-making in their care. They specifically outline patient financial responsibilities, crucial when Medicare excludes services like custodial care, making ABN issuance a legal obligation. Moreover, they serve as a protective measure for providers and healthcare institutions against financial losses resulting from Medicare coverage denials.

Typically administered by patient registration or financial services staff, ABNs are also integrated into forms distributed by provider professionals and are integral to the Utilization Review Committee.

What’s the Reporting Process for ABNs?

The billing office utilizes specific modifiers in claim reports to indicate ABN usage, notifying the MACs (Medicare Administrative Contractors) about the provision of the notice and potential patient financial obligations:

GA denotes completion of mandatory ABNs.
GX signifies completion of voluntary ABNs.
GY is employed when the service isn’t covered by Medicare statutory guidelines (services Medicare never covers).
GZ is applied when service denial is anticipated, but an ABN wasn’t provided (self-denial).

ABNs serve to ensure transparency and informed decision-making, elucidating patient financial responsibilities. Understanding their purpose and significance is crucial for providers, patients, utilization review, case management, billing staff, and particularly patients navigating the complexities of healthcare services and coverage.