Tag: E/M Codes


Take the Complexity Out of Behavioral Health Coding

The secret to ensuring both proper payment and compliance is in the details. Why is mental health coding so complex? Laurie Bouzarelos, MHA, CPC, asked and answered that question in her presentation “Coding and Billing for Psychiatry and Outpatient Mental Health Providers” at AAPC’s virtual HEALTHCON 2022, March 27-30. Bouzarelos manages to take much of […]
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Are You Using Modifier 25 Correctly?

modifier 25 : Oftentimes a patient’s “Oh, by the way …” comment turns an encounter that was scheduled as a preventive medicine visit or a minor office surgery into something more involved. When the provider goes above and beyond the physician work normally associated with a billable service or procedure, you may be able to […]
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CMS Updates HCPCS Level II for Q2

Medical Coding Updates and Insights Unveiled Effective April 1, 2022, the HCPCS Level II code set, which is employed to record medical services and provisions, will encompass the integration of 37 novel codes. Furthermore, the second quarter revision encompasses the elimination of five codes and a refinement of the description for one modifier. Lay Terms […]
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Medical decision making and coding

MDM elements during a preventive visit Q: Is it appropriate to count laboratory tests and other tests ordered during a preventive medicine service (99381-99397) visit in medical decision making (MDM) selection? No, because the 2021 revisions to the E/M office or other outpatient MDM do not apply to codes 99381-99397 (preventive services). These codes are […]
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Coding audits 101: How physicians can prepare

You’ve received a request for medical records from a payer, who is going to conduct an audit on your claims. Your Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is excellent, the notes are voluminous, your providers are well-versed at coding. If anything, you under code! You provide excellent care for your patients and achieve great outcomes. No […]
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2021 E/M Guidelines FAQ – December

Ever since the release of the new 2021 evaluation and management (E/M) guidelines for office and other outpatient services, AAPC has been conducting numerous trainings through webinars, virtual workshops, conference sessions, online courses, and multiple articles in Healthcare Business Monthly and the Knowledge Center blog. In the May issue we started to answer your most-asked […]
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The CMS Expands Medicare Coverage for Remote Patient Monitoring

CMS has been incrementally expanding coverage for remote patient monitoring since first recognizing the platform in 2019. Through RPM, healthcare providers can use digital health tools and telehealth platforms to improve care management for patients at home, especially those with chronic conditions or who’ve been recently discharged from a hospital. The platform has the potential […]
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2021 E/M Changes: Are You Coding Unique Tests Properly?

Review the AMA’s updated definition of what constitutes a unique test. Many coders are asking the question, “What is a unique test?” As always, we must first turn to the guidelines to see how “test” is defined. In the original published guidelines, the American Medical Association (AMA) stated: “Tests are imaging, laboratory, psychometric, or physiologic […]
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