Tag: Medicare Advantage plans

Prior Authorization Challenges

5 strategies to address Prior Authorization Challenges

Prior Authorization Challenges are a growing hurdle for medical practices dealing with Medicare Advantage plans. Recent investigations reveal concerning trends: improper denials and a lack of transparency from some insurers. This can significantly delay or even block essential care for patients. The Problem with Prior Authorizations Improper Denials: A government investigation found that Medicare Advantage […]
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: Final Rule for Streamlining Prior Authorization Processes

Final Rule for Streamlining Prior Authorization Processes Unveiled

In an effort to streamline prior authorization processes, provider bunches, including the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), have asserted that the ultimate goal of the new regulations will assist in facilitating a more efficient and effective prior authorization workflow. Provider bunches are commending CMS for finalizing understanding data-sharing approaches […]
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Darker side of AI in healthcare

AI in Healthcare: Revealing the Risks and Challenges Ahead

AI represents a promising frontier, especially in healthcare, where leveraging vast information could revolutionize problem-solving. However, a shadow looms over AI, as anticipated by many. In the realm of health insurance and patient care denials, AI has already stirred controversy, leading to a notable class action lawsuit. According to reports from healthcare News, Health Insurance […]
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Medicare Advantage Plans: What You Need to Know

Uncertain about the details of Medicare Advantage? Here’s what you need to know. The Medicare open enrollment period, running from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 annually, is now underway. This gives you the chance to make adjustments to your current Medicare coverage. One potential change worth considering is transitioning from original Medicare (Parts A and […]
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Medicare Advantage Plans: A Positive Experience for Beneficiaries

Higher satisfaction with problem resolution was observed among beneficiaries who were more inclined to renew their Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Advantage plans have garnered favorable satisfaction scores, with beneficiaries showing high approval ratings for trustworthiness, operational ease, and coverage adequacy, as outlined in a recent market research study. The 2023 US Medicare Advantage Study encompasses […]
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare beneficiaries are increasingly drawn to Medicare Advantage plans due to the perception of cost savings and added benefits compared to Original Medicare. The pivotal choice when navigating annual Medicare decisions revolves around opting for Original Medicare or embracing a Medicare Advantage plan (also referred to as Medicare Part C) provided by private health insurers. […]
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Medicare Advantage Insurers

Senators seek accountability from Medicare Advantage insurers on claims denials

In Congress this week, it wasn’t just pharmacy benefit managers facing scrutiny. The Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations directed its attention towards Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, seeking explanations for claims denials. During the hearing, the committee’s chairman highlighted that letters were sent to the three largest MA plans—UnitedHealthcare, Humana, and Aetna—requesting documentation regarding their decision-making […]
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Updates to UnitedHealthcare's Reimbursement Policies

UnitedHealthcare Implements 9 Changes to Reimbursement Policies for May

On May 1, UnitedHealthcare made nine changes to its reimbursement policies for its commercial, individual and family, and Medicare Advantage plans. Some of the changes go into effect June 1, while others will begin August 1. Here are nine UnitedHealthcare reimbursement changes happening in the coming months: Commercial plans: Molecular pathology policy, professional and facility: […]
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A Surgeon General Touts Possible Changes in Prior Authorizations

Federal healthcare leaders say they are committed to helping physicians, patients, and health insurance companies by improving the prior authorization process for medical care. On Jan. 17, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator and U.S. Surgeon General Vice Admiral, held a listening session with health care stakeholders. That was followed by a conference call […]
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