Tag: Telehealth Services

Top 6 Medical Billing Changes

The Top 6 Changes in Medical Billing for 2023

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and medical billing is no exception. With the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest changes in medical billing and how they relate to medical billing companies and medical billing services. The Top 6 changes in Medical Billing 1. Implementation of ICD-11 The International […]
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Expanded Telehealth Services Won’t Lower Healthcare Costs

  Contrary to widespread hopes, the growth in telehealth brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic probably won’t lower health care costs. But it may make some services more widely accessible. A new Kaiser Family Foundation study compares average 2020 commercial insurance payments for evaluation and management and mental health therapy claims for services provided via […]
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How are Medicare patients using interstate telehealth visits?

Opponents of the loosened interstate telehealth restrictions that were instituted at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic argued that it would result in out-of-state doctors luring patients away from their current physicians. But a new study finds that most out-of-state telehealth is used for continuity of care, not acquiring new patients. The study compares interstate […]
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How telehealth can help inpatient care, and what a hybrid future looks like

Healthcare provider organizations and clinicians are fortunate that telehealth has gone mainstream as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth opens up many new avenues to expand access to care, streamline the delivery of care, create new workflows and improve patient outcomes. Hopefully the Congress and state legislatures will act soon to ensure the temporary […]
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Regulations Open Doors for Telehealth Services in FQHCs

Make sure your facility is aware of all the Medicare policy changes that permit payment for expanded services. Telehealth as a healthcare delivery platform has been in existence since the late 1960s. It was first introduced through projects initiated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Nebraska Psychology Institute. The declaration of […]
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Government Accountability Office asks CMS to assess telehealth quality for Medicaid beneficiaries

The U.S. Government Accountability Office is asking the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to gauge the effect that an increase in telehealth utilization is having on the care quality experienced by Medicaid beneficiaries. The GAO cited statistics showing usage continues to rise. GAO culled data from five states – Arizona, California, Maine, Mississippi and […]
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Medicare Patients Received 54.5M Office Visits Via Telehealth in 2020

Office visits represented 48 percent of all telehealth services used in the first year of the pandemic, making it the service most accessed via telehealth, federal data shows. Medicare beneficiaries most often used telehealth for office visits in 2020, receiving 54.5 million virtual office visits in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to […]
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Telehealth Utilization Increasing Medicaid Provider Reimbursement

Not only has Medicaid ensured care access for enrollees during the pandemic, but its coverage of telehealth services has proved a boon to Medicaid providers in California. Increased use of telehealth services by Medicaid beneficiaries in California is leading to positive financial outcomes for providers in the state. CLOSEDLOOP.AI TOPS EPIC, CERNER FOR AI PLATFORM […]
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