Proven Strategies for Progressing and Sustaining Your Private Practice


Tools and support to boost the success of your practice

Regardless of whether you’re a newcomer to private practice or a seasoned professional, you’re aware that the healthcare landscape is ever-changing. What was effective for your practice in the past, be it last year or last month, may not hold true today. Staying updated on these shifts is essential for ensuring the prosperity and expansion of your practice.

The American Medical Association produces a range of resources designed to enhance efficiency, foster engagement, and promote success. This way, you can devote your attention to your patients while maintaining the viability and sustainability of your practice.

Business operations

In this podcast mini-series, the AMA provides guidance on navigating the intricacies of business operations and efficiency challenges to foster the growth of your private practice.

1. Staffing and Human Resources

Securing, hiring, and nurturing dedicated staff is pivotal for the success of a private practice. The AMA offers a comprehensive guide (available in PDF format) to assist you through this process. It covers valuable tips on candidate interviews, compensation considerations, countering competing offers, and more.

2. Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Information Technology (IT)

While IT plays a crucial role in private practice operations, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. This toolkit equips you with knowledge on selecting, implementing, and effectively managing an EHR system. Additionally, it provides guidance on optimizing a patient portal and more.

3. Marketing and Branding

Defining your practice’s unique identity within the local healthcare market is essential for sustained success. The AMA has curated a range of resources and learning sessions focusing on fundamental marketing strategies tailored for private practices

Digital health

Similar to various healthcare entities, private physician practices can incorporate digital health technologies to facilitate remote access to care for their patients. The AMA telehealth quick guide offers initial steps to initiate this process, and provides essential insights into implementing telemedicine, including policy, coding, and payment considerations.

Another valuable resource in this realm is the AMA Telehealth Immersion Program, aimed at assisting practices in the seamless implementation, optimization, sustainability, and expansion of their telehealth initiatives.

Quality improvement

If you aim to foster growth in your practice, a steadfast commitment to quality improvement should serve as a cornerstone of your strategy. This learning module offers an introduction to the core concepts of quality improvement, encompassing measures, interventions, and challenges related to sustainability, among other crucial aspects.

1. Enhancing Practice Efficiency

The AMA Private Practice Simple Solutions present accessible, no-cost rapid learning cycles expressly designed to create opportunities for implementing changes that can yield immediate gains in your practice’s efficiency.

2. Streamlining Service Delivery

Recognizing and addressing unnecessary tasks that burden physicians can significantly enhance practice efficiency. This learning module empowers you to identify and rectify inefficiencies in practice processes, streamlining service delivery for the better.

3. Navigating Change Management and Organizational Development

This learning module equips you with the tools to apply principles of organizational development in a healthcare context, enabling you to effectively navigate change and propel practice transformation.

Culture and leadership

1. Fostering Leadership and Team Well-being

Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping a business’s culture, thereby influencing the well-being of the staff. Utilize this learning module to nurture leadership behaviors while enhancing team satisfaction and mitigating burnout.

2. Cultivating a Resilient Team Culture

A positive and supportive team culture is a fundamental driver of success in private practice. This module guides you in evaluating your practice’s existing culture and provides strategies to enhance and expand it.

3.Combating Burnout

Explore the Listen-Sort-Empower approach, which is designed to eliminate the underlying causes of professional burnout. This method, adapted from a decades-old model, offers effective strategies for addressing and mitigating burnout.